Intermediate | Online Trading Platforms and Analysis
Investors are using sophisticated software and apps created for investing/trading online. They are designed for buying and selling derivative contracts which are considered complex products. Since the Investor’s funds are always at risk, we make sure that they are fully informed about all tools and functionalities.
Learn about:
1. we will explore their functionalities in detail and see how we analyze the financial markets,
2. how to perform advanced trading operations,
3. how to use trading robots (Expert Advisors) and what other important operations can be performed.
Online Sessions Available. With your own Personal Educator!
Date, time and venue: will be sent to your contact number or email.
Duration: 16 hours – 2 hours /session (with 15-minute break)
Language of Communication: English and Greek
Presentation Samples
Price Total (Private/One on One): 1590 EUR /person
Price Total (Group/Min to 10 Students): 490 EUR /person
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Programme Organized by Marios C.Kyriakou
Trading instructor, Technical Analyst, MQL Programmer and experienced Portfolio Manager, Marios C.Kyriakou has been working in the financial services industry for more than 10 years. Marios is dedicated to understanding the intricacies of the markets, refining his own personal strategies, and educating those interested in delving deeper into the world trading and investing online.
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